20 Ideas For Building your Opt-In Mailing List

20 Ideas For Building your Opt-In Mailing List

A mailing list feels like finding gold for an online business. It creates a direct connection with your site visitors, even when they’re not ready to buy. This helps build trust and keeps you in touch, allowing you to market to them over time. For any affiliate marketer, a mailing list is truly priceless. Here are **20 clever tips** to make yours bigger.

1. Make sure that your sign up box with a compelling reason to subscribe is on every page of your website.

2. Offer a valuable freebie (a special report, software, and coupon) in exchange for sign up.

3. Make it easy for your subscribers to sign up. Simply ask for a name and an email address. If you want more detail, you can ask for that additional detail at a later date.

4. Make a website / page that advertise only your newsletter and doesn’t include other distractions. You can send targeted traffic (ex. bylines, signatures, advertising) to this page.

5. Invite readers to sign up for your mailing list in your article bylines. Send articles to targeted websites for publication or to article directories like ezinearticles.com.

6. Include a promotion of your newsletter in your email signature.

7. Promote your newsletter in your forum signature lines. Forum members are likely to respond to something free.

8. Set up an advertising or pay-per-click campaign that sends visitors to your newsletter sign up page.

9. Offer to post to a fellow blogger’s blog in return for being able to promote your newsletter in your posts.

10. Include your newsletter in your social network profiles.

11. Consider setting up your own affiliate program and let your affiliates promote your newsletter in return for a lead commission.

12. Submit your newsletter to directories like ezine-dir.com, ezinehub.com, dmoz.org.

13. Post your newsletter archives on your website and include an invitation to subscribe on each page. Archives are great content to draw in search engine visitors, links from other websites, etc.

14. Try a pop-up window that includes your subscription form and a reason to subscribe.

15. Inspire confidence by including information about your privacy policy on your subscription box.

16. Deliver superb content and promotions so that your subscribers will tell other people about you. Include a note in your emails to encourage your readers to pass on your emails.

17. Post relevant videos on YouTube.com with your website address watermarked on the left side of your video.

18. Look for targeted podcasts to interview you and ask them to include a link to your newsletter sign up page with your interview.

19. Conduct a live teleseminar/webinar with the owner of a product for which you are an affiliate. Require people sign up to your list to get access to the event.

20. Publish testimonials from your existing subscribers.

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