The Video Marketing Cheat Sheet

The Video Marketing Cheat Sheet

Considering video marketing to boost your online business? You definitely should. **Grab this cheat sheet** and make sure you’re hitting all the vital steps…

Determine What Type of Video to Create

First off, you need to figure out the goal of your video and what format will best help you achieve your goal. For example, if you’re doing a promotional video, it might take the form of:

• Direct-response promotional video.
• Product review or comparison.
• Useful yet incomplete video that soft-sells an offer.

Or if you’re looking to build your mailing list, your video might be “Part 1” of a series, with “Part 2” offered in exchange for an email address.

Once you decide the overall goal, then decide on the format. Specifically:

• Slide-presentation video.
• Talking-head video.
• Demo video (how to complete a task or how to use a product).
• Animated video.
• Combination video.

Or similar.

Decide Whether to Do It Yourself or Outsource

There are many pieces required to put a good video together. Depending on the type of video you’re creating, these pieces may include:

• A compelling, engaging video script.
• Slides (for a slide share presentation), including graphics and text.
• Voice-over narration.
• Demonstrations.
• Video editing.
• Final production.

If you’re not skilled in some or even all of these areas, then you’ll want to consider hiring someone to create your video for you.

Here’s where to find video producers, voice over artists and other skilled providers:

• Go to freelancing sites such as (for all freelancers) and (for voice-over talent).

• Search Google for the specific type of freelancer you need (e.g., “voice over artist”).

• Ask your colleagues and friends for recommendations.

Develop Your Video

Next, develop your video via storyboarding. This means planning each minute of your video in terms of what people will see (the graphics, animation, demo, etc.) and what they will hear (the script).

Be sure your video includes these characteristics:

• It’s engaging. Tell stories, sound enthusiastic, and use engaging words.

• It’s visually interesting. Keep the visuals moving along, but not at a predictable pace. An unpredictable pace makes your video more appealing.

• It shares useful or even new information. Ideally, you should offer one of your best tips in the first 30-60 seconds of your video to really impress viewers and keep them hooked.

• It shares information in a conversational, friendly way. Create your script as if you were sharing this information with your best friend.

Distribute Widely

Once your video is ready to go, distribute it widely. This includes:

• Posting it on YouTube and including keywords in your description and tags.

• Posting it on other social media platforms, such as Facebook and Twitter.

– Use hash tags to reach a greater audience.
– Encourage people to share the video.
– Invite people to comment and like it.

• Sending the video to your other platforms, including posting it on your blog, sending it to your newsletter list, posting it in your forums or groups, etc.

• Asking your joint venture partners to share the video as widely as possible.

If you pull all these steps together, then you’ll have a good video that produces great results for you.

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