How to Write a Profit Pulling Product Review

How to Write a Profit Pulling Product Review

Reviews are a superb form of content for affiliate marketers to produce. By design, they offer benefit to a prospect and they’re a natural piece to include links to the affiliate product’s sales page.

However, in order to write a review that actually motivates click throughs, there are a few steps and secrets to know.

Be Honest

You’re not selling in a review, you’re providing information. Present the information honestly and accurately. Tell readers what the product is and what it does.

Stress The Benefits.

What makes the product different? Who benefits from the product? This is also a great place to tell a story. Talk about a situation where someone used the product and what they gained.

Present Yourself As An Unbiased Reviewer.

Point out any drawbacks to the product or service you’re reviewing. However, be sure to counter those drawbacks subtly. It’s like when you go to an interview and they ask you to tell them your weaknesses. You turn them into strengths, right? Do the same with any drawbacks the product might have.

For example, if it’s more expensive than other comparative products, that’s a drawback. But it may also offer more in-depth information and strategies – this would override the obvious drawback.

Go Into Detail.

Subjective information is great but people also want to know the details. What does it cost? Where can they purchase it? And are there any promotions they should know about that can save them money?

Tip 1 – Your goal in a review is to presell, but to presell the product or service subtly. Take care to watch the language you use, no hype. And make sure to present yourself in a credible manner ñ you want to present yourself as a legitimate expert on your topic.

Tip 2 – Consider being honest about the fact that you’re an affiliate for the product. Most people don’t care and they may respect your honesty. Consider doing a split test for this if you have doubts about this high level of transparency.

Write one review where you tell people you’re an affiliate for the product (towards the end where you provide a link to the sales page). Write another review where you don’t tell your readers you’re an affiliate. Track the results. Authenticity and transparency are more than the latest internet marketing buzz words.

Tip 3 – Combine reviews of several like products in one article or post. You can be an affiliate for all the products or only some of them, the choice is yours.
Reviews are a great form of content for an affiliate marketer. They provide value and offer all the benefits content offers for business growth and profits.

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