Jumping into WarriorPlus can be tough. As the new kid, there’s no history or results to show off.
There’s an intangible fog of distrust and suspicion that accompanies a new affiliate’s request – even if they’re genuine and capable affiliate marketers. This is par for the course and nothing to panic over.
Here’s what you need to know – WarriorPlus is the platform but it has no say in whether a vendor will approve or deny your affiliate request. It’s up to the vendor’s discretion.
• The current problem
There are thousands of affiliates on the WarriorPlus platform, but only a small percentage of them will ever bring in sales. Whenever a new product is about to be launched, vendors are inundated with tons of affiliate requests.
Very often, the requests will be from newbies who are clueless about affiliate marketing and they’ll send irrelevant and ridiculous notes with their requests. It’s no wonder vendors are wary about approving new affiliates.
At the start of a product launch, the ‘launch stats’ are crucial. The vendor will need a high conversion rate and an attractive ‘earnings per click’ number to whet the appetites of capable affiliates and attract them to the launch.
So, new affiliates who might send junk traffic or clicks that don’t convert are not approved until much later into the launch – if even at all.
This is a catch-22 situation for new affiliates who are legitimate. While they need to get approved to rack up a good affiliate score, the vendor is looking for a good score before they approve these newbies.
So, what do you do?
• Steps you can take to increase your chances
It goes without saying that you’ll need to go the extra mile here… and so many new affiliates don’t. By being proactive and exerting extra effort to get approved, you’ll stand above the noise created by the masses of new affiliates and get the vendor’s attention.
Open a WarriorPlus account early on
Even if you’re not planning to promote products just yet, it’s ideal to open a WarriorPlus account. There’s nothing that screams ‘RED FLAG!’ more than an affiliate who only joined the platform 2 days before the product launch. You want your profile to show that you’ve spent some time there.
Contact the vendor
Instead of just sending a note with your affiliate request, you should try and contact the vendor either on Facebook (most of them seem to hang out there) or at their support email. Mention how you sent an affiliate request and tell them how you’ll promote their products.
Leave the vendor a note
When submitting an affiliate request, you’ll have the option to leave the vendor a note. If you’re a proven affiliate with a good score, your stats will speak for themselves and the vendor will approve you without batting an eyelid. In fact, they’ll be glad to have you on board.
However, if you’re new and you’ve no track record, it’s imperative that you leave the vendor a note to establish credibility.
A new affiliate who can’t seem bothered to send a note with their request will often not bother to promote the product well. You don’t get a second chance to make a first impression.
Be credible
Do NOT lie. There are countless affiliates who do send an affiliate note but shoot themselves in the foot by lying about their skills.
Bold claims of having thousands of followers on Twitter or being a super affiliate are laughable attempts when you don’t have the stats to back up the claims.
Do not namedrop and mention that you’re a student of some other vendor. You do not know the other vendor’s reputation and might be doing yourself a disservice here.
What you should do is have a website/blog or a YouTube channel where you provide value and have a following. These are legitimate efforts that bolster your credibility as a marketer.
Mention your website or video channel in the note with the corresponding URLs. The vendor will be able to check on your web properties and determine if you’re a serious affiliate or a lost tire kicker.
At the end of the day, all it takes is going the extra mile to make yourself look like an affiliate who takes his/her business seriously. Once the vendor knows you’re doing your best, they’ll take a chance on you and approve you.
If you’re still facing an uphill battle, you can always request to promote products after the launch is over. Vendors are more receptive to new affiliates when there’s low risk involved.
Keep trying and over time you’ll get approved for more offers, and your new affiliate sales will improve your score and make you a formidable affiliate – and vendors will come to court you. That’s when the real fun starts.