How to Ask for a Review Copy of a Product

How to Ask for a Review Copy of a Product

Dream of testing products for your site or launching a dazzling review site? **Here’s a clever tip**: many methods exist to snag a review copy.

The main thing is to take a look at your own website or blog. The quality and content of these will indicate whether a company is inclined to honor your request. Work hard to make your quality and content as good as can be before you start asking for products to review.

One of the first things a company will want to do is to review your site. If your site appears credible, organized, and is something you seem passionate and knowledgeable about, chances are the company will honor your request.

When you are ready to make your request, there are a few things you need to include in it. For starters, it is always best to be sincere and authentic. Perhaps you could follow a particular business or company and comment on the blog posts on that blog. In this manner, you are not coming out of the woodwork and making a random request.

Make yourself known – comment on posts, be a follower, link, connect through social media, and let your voice be heard. This will give you a foot in the door so to speak when it comes time to make your request.

Use your real name as well. Companies appreciate those who are not afraid to be known and step out from behind the curtain. Also, it does not hurt to start your request out with a simple but sincere compliment.

Make a complimentary comment on a recent blog post of theirs – perhaps one that was somewhat controversial. State how you applaud their courage to speak their mind and then from there go on to make your request.

Keep your request short, simple, and sincere. These three words will gain you the most success.

Next, let the company know who you are, your area of expertise, and a small bit about your passion relating to your blog or site.

Follow up with some information on where, when, and how you intend to promote the product.

These are the basics for asking for a review copy of a product to promote. Start out small and then as you gain more credibility, you can move forward.

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