Getting Traffic to Your Affiliate Website

Getting Traffic to Your Affiliate Website

Affiliate marketing is like any other internet business model. The more targeted traffic you have coming to your website, the more profitable you’re likely to be. It’s not a guarantee, however, if you don’t have any traffic you are certainly not going to reach your profit goals. So let’s take a look at how to get traffic to your affiliate website.

Here are seven tips to drive traffic to your site:

#1 Social media sites.

Social media is superior at driving traffic to a website. Each post you create has the potential to reach thousands. If only 10% of those people it reaches visit your website, you still have hundreds of visits each time you post. And it’s a great way to build incoming links, boost your credibility, motivate sales and build a community.

#2 Article marketing.

One well written and informative article submitted to a few article directories can accomplish a number of traffic generation goals.

-When people read the content, they’re likely to click through to visit your website.

-Links in your article, to your website, will boost SEO page ranking.

-Publication tends to generate interest and awareness which both lead to more traffic.

#3 Blogging.

Post on your own blog or be a guest blogger on a blog with a large number of subscribers. Like social networking, if you offer an informative or entertaining post, you’ll have people clicking through to your website and generating traffic

#4 Comment on other blogs.

Participate in your online community. On most forums and blogs when you participate and comment you can post a link to your website in your signature. This actually can generate a ton of website traffic, particularly if you’re posting informative and interesting comments on relevant blogs.

#5 Video Content

Video seems to be the big thing right now and it really works. Video tends to be much more viral and can generate a lot of traffic. Just as you would with any content you put out there, make sure it offers value to your prospects.

#6 Joint Venture Partnerships

Partnering with a relevant or compatible business can work quite well to generate traffic to your affiliate website. A partnership can be anything from guest blogging on each other’s sites, swapping advertisements or even promoting one another in your Ezine.

#7 Publish reviews for websites and directories.

This works a bit like article marketing except that you’re reviewing products and/or services relevant to your industry. Make sure to include a link to your website in your review profile.

There are a number of useful ways to drive traffic to your affiliate website. Be creative with it. Connect with your audience where they hang out and provide them with the information they’re looking for.


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